Saturday, January 17, 2009

Britney has the voice of a...

Britney Spears, singing lively. I think Britney has the potential to sing very nicely. I'm not sure she can anymore, but I think that she was not musically retarded. She's beautiful somewhere. And somewhere she's bald and skanky.

But I could say the same thing for me.


The Sandlot is the dope style shit from the 90's. If you haven't seen it, rent it on VHS, cook some jiffy pop, and enjoy!

Smack my b*tch up

Prodigy, is, sort of amazing.

One Hell of an Evolution

This show is a classic

It made no sense. The robot went to school. What is the point of that?

Norman Rockwell- the Artist

Veruca Salt

Charlie didn't deserve to go in the glass elevator. It was this assertive young lady who was the real winner.